Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Shangalia Update

I attended this club every week in the first semester. During this time, I took charge of teaching maths to the kids. In order to effectively teach the children, I used the textbook that their regular teachers follow in their normal classes. A challenge that I faced in doing this is that most of the children were not as interested in learning math as they were in doing the other available activities. This mean that the children that I ended up teaching were the ones that did not have math as their first choice resulting in them being disinterested in the subject. I overcame this challenge by going to children that were not working individually and specifically teaching them the subject the I was going over. I think that this helped them learn as they were forced to learn due to the fact that I was right next to them teaching them.
Another problem that I had to overcome was the different skill levels of the different children. Some of the kids were younger and therefore were not as far along the book as the older kids. This meant that I had to effectively divide my time in teaching sections in the book that were appropriate to both ages of student. I think that I managed to do this, as at the end of the classes. both age categories of children were able to achieve success when tested on the material.

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